
27 May

Saya hanya mampu menggelengkan kepala.

Terasa jantung berdegup kencang dan badan terasa panas. Apakah rasa marah atau terkejut atau risau, saya sendiri tidak pasti.

Tetapi saat membuka beg usai solat pagi itu, cukup membuatkan jiwa saya kacau sepanjang hari. Allah.. Allah..

Up to date, I’ve lost more things in the hospital than I ever had in my quarter decade of life. Hospital doesn’t seem to be a safe place anymore. The common room for houseman is apparently the target for the ever opportunistic thieves.

I did blame myself for leaving my things unguarded. For believing that people will actually think twice before doing bad things.

But..Why..why would people steal? Why would someone open someone else’s bag and took something which is not theirs? Why are they not thinking of the the this world and the hereafter? How can they be at peace with what they’re doing? Allah..

Semua persoalan itu datang bertubi-tubi meminta jawapan. Tetapi saya tidak menemukannya. I couldn’t think of any more excuses for them. Saya hanya mampu berdoa supaya diberi ketenangan hati think positive..that it happened for as reason..

I know that there’s a slim chance that I’ll ever see my lost things again. Tetapi saya masih berharap agar ada sekelumit cuma rasa bersalah di dalam diri orang yang ‘mengambil’ barang saya itu, agar dia memulangkannya semula..or at least  not doing it again. There’s  hope, right?

Ah, sukarnya menghilangkan galau di hati…

Dan pena pun diangkat~

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